Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Character: Ji-Yong:Danish

1. Question:Am I correct in saying that you were asked for a fair trade for your hat, yet you refused?
Answer: Yes (include page #127-129)

2. Question:Now, as you refused, did you know whether your hat would be taken permanently, or temporarily?
Answer: I did not(include page #128)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Character:Vib Bansal:Ji-Li's mother

1. Question:What occupation do use you follow?
Answer: I am an actress(include page #13)

2. Question:Is it true that you are married to a landlord's son?

Answer: Yes(include page #13)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Character:Ned Cosgrove :Grandma

1. Question: Your husband is dead, what was is occupation?
Answer: He was a landlord(include page #)

2. Question: Did you attempt to escape the Red Guards by burning your family's evidence and your landlord gifts?

Answer: I did. (include page #123,)
Character: Melanie Therond:Ji-Li Jiang

1. Question: Why did you wish to be a Red Successor?
Answer:.(include page #)

2. Question:Am I correct in saying that you were given a chance to break off from your Black family, yet you refused?

Answer:(include page #215)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Character: Song-Popo: Sumeeka Farooqui

1. Question: What is your current occupation? If you are employed, who do you serve under?
Answer: I am a housemaid to the Jiangs(#14)

2. Question: What family background did you have?

Answer: I came from a wealthy family, my husband was rich. (#88).

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Character: Ji-Li's Dad: Pavel Mokronosov

1. Question:What profession is your father into?
Answer:He was a landlord. (pg#60).

2. Question:Are you related to the Half-City Jiangs who owned 33 hundred acres of land?

Answer:Yes (include page #210)

3. Question: Did you or did you not admit that your father exploited?

Answer:I did (include page #62, 61)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Flex Day field trip

3. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the top score, how would you rate the quality of the work environment you saw here, and why?

3.I would rate quality the quality as 7 because yes there was alot of safety rules and regulations but some people were not following the rules such as wearing masks and shoes but the floors were clean and there were cleaners and no needles on the floor but there could easily be any. There were also some dust in the air and the light offered good sight for the details of the clothes.